The causes of Alopecia in St Helens are many. Alopecia is the medical term for baldness or hair loss. Some diseases that cause alopecia involve blood circulation but others involve skin sores and rashes. One type of alopecia causes hair to fall out in patches. Another form leads to total baldness. Lymphomas, Lupus, Diabetes and Hodgkin’s disease are among the diseases that can cause alopecia. Treatment for disease like chemo for cancer may cause hair to fall out but it will usually grow back when treatment is ended. Sometimes alopecia clears up by itself or with treatment. Other times, it does not.
In St Helens, alopecia solutions is our purpose at Crown n Glory. Our goal is to restore your self-confidence by restoring your appearance to pre-alopecia status. Your condition may be temporary or permanent. Our consultants focus on where you are right now. We have been serving the needs of the public for over 40 years. We consider it an honour to supply NHS patients as well as private clients. You can support the “My New Hair” charity with a custom made to order hair extension. It will be an addition to your hair accessories. All of our consultations are private and your first consultation is free. We offer full salon follow up services to all of our clients.
In St Helens, alopecia solutions may be as simple as a hairpiece or a full wig. Crown n Glory has an extensive supply of synthetic and natural wigs and hairpieces. All are of the finest quality. Choose your colour shade and our staff will style a wig after your own usual hairstyle. It will help you feel more confident and more like yourself. On the other hand, this is your chance to find out just what you would look like with long red hair or a platinum bob. The men may not be quite as adventuresome. For them, our consultants will style a hairpiece or wig that looks like you grew it yourself. We can weave synthetic pieces to your own hair for an even more natural look. Whatever makes you feel your natural best is what we want for you. For more information about alopecia, contact Crown n Glory.